Sarah was the Creative and Digital Manager at Chestnut Park Real Estate from 2015 - 2017. She was responsible for providing artistic and creative direction to the marketing team, advising on the corporate marketing strategy, digital and social media marketing, and creating and teaching digital marketing courses to the realtors as well leading as one on one marketing consultations for agents in all offices across Ontario.
During that time new creative direction was given for all corporate print collateral to reposition the brand from exclusive, stodgy and outdated to forward-thinking, dynamic and culturally relevant to appeal to a wider, more diverse range of sales representatives and clients. Previous corporate ads had featured a grey background with three images of luxury homes interiors, no headline. They simple brand awareness ads because Chestnut Park did not have an internal marketing department before 2015. Chestnut Park had not been highlighting the international provenance of their affiliation with Christie's or the heat of the Toronto market effectively in their print materials.
Sarah chose a contemporary illustrative look and feel to suit the vibe of Porter inflight magazine. Knowing the Porter audience was mainly business travellers, she drafted the copy for the ads based on news headlines from that year, including the Economist's proclamation that that Toronto was the best city in the world to live in. In order to better leverage Chestnut Park's affiliation with Christie's, she also ran a series of ads that featured headlines pulled from Christie's Luxury Defined report. The Christie's report cited findings that named Toronto as the world's hottest luxury homes market due to the city's "lowest number of days for luxury homes (over $1M) on market" in the world in 2015. Furthermore, that year the report had named Muskoka as the fastest growing luxury recreational homes (over $2M) market in the world.